
Good Shepherd Center, Room 202
4649 Sunnyside Avenue North
Seattle, Washington 98103
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About this event

Divine Deconstruction 

Remembering Lochkelden: The 1907 Rolland Denny Mansion

Join us for an evening of reflection and remembrance as we gather to share personal stories about the Rolland Denny Mansion, a beloved historic landmark that was tragically lost. Hear from family members, historians, and community members who knew and loved this iconic Seattle residence. We'll explore the reasons behind its demise and discuss how we can better protect our region's remaining historic places.


  • Leonard Garfied, Executive Director of Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI)
  • Eugenia Woo, Director of Preservation Services, Historic Seattle
  • Scott Dolfay, Unification Church
  • Jean Sherrard, “Now & Then” columnist
  • Kurt Petrauskas, Founder, Earthwise Salvage
  • Moderated by Cari Simson, Invisible Histories

Date: February 4th 

Time: 6:30 - 8:00 PM 

Location: Good Shepherd Center, 4649 Sunnyside Ave N, Seattle, WA 

Suggested Donation: $10

Reserve your ticket today!

Details & Tickets: https://ticketstripe.com/divinedeconstruction 

Presented by: Invisible Histories and Historic Seattle

Let's learn from the past to preserve the future.


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